Who doesn’t use a knife? Almost every people around the world, do use a knife or sharp for some function. It could be a knife, a screwdriver, a scissor, or a blade. None of these products comes with a feature that would keep the sharpness for a lifetime.
To be frank, I am a person who uses knives for different purposes and to my knowledge, let it be a premium blade or knife, let it be from any top brand. The sharpness of the product will not last long as the manufacturer declares. Yes, it is true; there would be no blade/knife/scissor which comes with a feature that retains the sharpness for a lifetime. This is why we need a knife sharpener.
In the beginning, knife sharpeners were manual and user needs to have expertise on how to hold the knife/scissors/blade in such a way that sharpening is done efficiently. However, things have changed a lot, today we have an electric knife sharpener that comes with several features that reduces the human labor.
Advantages of electric knife sharpener
- Using an electric knife sharpener does not need any expertise
- Electric knife sharpener could sharpen any tools with ease, but, manual knife sharpeners cannot
- Most of the electric knife sharpeners come with a feature that would hold the knife at an angle that would maximize the efficiency of sharpening
- Purchasing an electric knife sharpener is a onetime investment
- Electric knife sharpeners could be used to sharpen tools like blade, screwdrivers, knives, cutting knives etc.
Now, you know the advantages of electric knife sharpeners, it is very important that you add these to your knowledge, always consider purchasing a product from reputed brands and with features that allow you to return the product if you find it worthless. Don’t forget to check our newest article on 9 Best Ceramic Knives for Your Kitchen.
Best Buy Electric Knife Sharpener Reviews
Based on my research, Here is the list of best electric knife sharpeners.
1. KitchenIQ 50009 Edge Grip 2 Stage Knife Sharpener, Black
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This electric knife sharpener comes for the top brand KitchenIQ and is one of the most attractive and best-selling electric knife sharpeners available.
- This product is best recommended for sharpening dull and damaged knives
- The product comes with coarse and fine polishing features that could be used to polish any dull or damaged knives
- The manufacturer has incorporated patented edge grip technology that allows the sharpening the tips of a knife
- The whole product is compact in size and comes with an attractive external design and appearance
- This device has quick edge setting capacity and ceramic stone for fine polishing
- The manufacturer has incorporated a rubber padding under the basement for enhanced grip
2. Work Sharp WSKTS-W Knife & Tool Sharpener
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Work Sharp WSKTS-W knife and tool sharpener is a unique electric knife-sharpening device.
- This product could sharpen almost any knives quickly and easily.
- One of the notable things about this electric knife sharpener is that it comes with very good consistent sharpening technology that could sharpen the knife, in the same way, every time
- The manufacturer has incorporated premium abrasive belts that could fulfill all your sharpening needs
- This sharpening device offers fine, coarse, and medium polishing features
- The product also comes with sharpening guides that could help you provide an easy guide on how to obtain consistent results while sharpening
- This knife sharpener could be used to sharpen kitchen knives, outdoor multipurpose knives, shovels, axes, garden shears, and scissors.
3. Presto 08800 EverSharp Electric Knife Sharpener
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This electric knife is perhaps one of the best knife sharpeners available today.
- This device comes with easy to use features that could be found in no other knife sharpening tools
- This product was manufactured in China and comes incorporated with a two-stage sharpening system
- This product could sharpen any non-serrated blade to produce professional results
- The product comes with automatic knife angling by using blade guides that set the knife at an angle in such a way that sharpening is done efficiently
- One of the notable things about this product is that it could produce razor-sharp edges using high-quality sapphire wheels
- This device was manufactured based on North American Electrical Standards.
4. PriorityChef Knife Sharpener for Straight and Serrated Knives
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This electric kitchen knife sharpener is a professional chef’s most recommended product.
- This product comes with the most reliable and durable sharpening technology incorporated into it.
- The whole product is stylish and ergonomically designed.
- The sharpening system incorporated in this device is a dual stage that could provide a razor sharpness in the end
- This sharpener is easy to use, versatile, and safe. All you have to do is simply place the blade into the suitable area and within a few minutes the whole sharpening process would be completed
- The manufacturer claims that this product could be used to sharpen even the dullest blades
- The manufacturer offers a money back guarantee on this product.
5. LINKYO Electric Knife Sharpener, Kitchen Knives Sharpening System
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This is perhaps one of the basic looking and functioning electric knife sharpener available on the market now.
- This product comes incorporated with automatic blade positioning guides that hold the blade at a position to increase the efficiency of the sharpening
- The manufacturer offers a 1-year warranty on this product
- One of the notable things about this product is that it comes with a feature that allows the user to remove the fine shards and fillings with ease
- The sharpening process in this device is divided into two stages that makes sure the sharpening is done with maximum efficiency
- The product also comes incorporated with suction cups that would keep the sharpener at the right place while using
6. Presto 08810 Professional Electric Knife Sharpener
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This product comes from the top electric knife sharpener brand Presto. This product has a reputation for sharpening a blade even in a poor state.
- This product comes incorporated with a unique 3-stage sharpening system that could be found in no other products
- This product is easy to use and the product is manufactured in China
- One of the notable things about this product is that it comes with interchangeable blades that could help the user maintain consistency in sharpening
- This product comes with incorporated with an automatic blade positioning system that holds the blade in such a way that the efficiency of sharpening is maximum
- The manufacturer offers a manual with this product that would allow the user to sharpen any material using the device
7. Electric Knife Sharpener Tool 3-in-1
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This product is one of the most compact sized electric knife sharpeners that comes from the brand Grocery Art.
- This product is designed in such a way that it could sharpen folding hunting knives, blades, scissors, screwdrivers, and utility knives.
- This product comes with features that allow the user to hone and polish any tools simultaneously
- As mentioned above, even if this device has diverse features, the overall size of the device is compact
- When compared to other sharpening devices, this product consumes comparatively lesser time for sharpening.
- This product comes incorporated with adjustable angle sharpening feature that could enable the user to sharpen any blade with ease
8. Whetstone Knife Sharpening Stone
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This product comes from the famous brand Grocery Art is a complete sharpening tool.
- This product is a professional sharpening device that could be used to sharpen any blade or knife
- One of the notable things about this product is that it looks completely different from other electric knife sharpening product
- The manufacturer not only provides the sharpening device, but also a knife-sharpening stand.
- This product has anti-slide bamboo base that uses a rubber seal that is designed to keep the honing stone inside intact.
- The manufacturer offers a money back guarantee on the product if the user does not like the product or any of its features
9. Chef’sChoice 220 Hybrid Diamond Hone Knife Sharpener
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This product is one of the best-selling basic electric knife sharpener available on the market.
- This product comes with unique diamond abrasive wheels that provide superior sharpening ability to the product
- This product has a 2-stage sharpening process, an electric stage for sharpening and manual method of honing
- This product comes with a criss-cross technology that could enable the user to sharpen the blades or knives to the maximum.
- The manufacturer offers a 1-year warranty on this product
- The manufacturer claims that this product could sharpen kitchen and household knives, sports knives, pocket knives, and even folding hunting knives.
10 EdgeKeeper Electric Knife Sharpener, Red
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EdgeKeeper Electric Knife Sharpener with its exquisite design and small shape is one of the perfect devices for sharpening your knives that will look like a machete. You can sharpen you knife in whichever direction you are looking to sharpen it, as all the angles are well handled by this Knife Sharpener.
- The sharpener can quickly sharpen your knife in an excellent way. If you have lesser time in your kitty, this is the perfect one, hence can also be used for professional purpose by the chef.
- The presence of the magnetic power in the knife helps in eliminating any form of metal that is present after shaving off the knife. Cleaning of the knife is the easiest thing to do, after sharpening.
- The sharpener will not slip off the counter of the kitchen. With the rubber stamps present on the feet of the sharpener, it allows steadiness while sharpening, thus prevent the sharpening of the knife from the wrong angles.
- Small in size as well as the good lifecycle of the EdgeKeeper Electric Knife Sharpener, that helps the knife to be used for a long time, without the need for repurchasing a new one.
Electric Knife Sharpener Buying Guide – What Features To Consider?
An electric knife sharpener is an effective tool that can be used to sharpen the knives you use in the kitchen when you feel that the edge has lost its sharpness. The electric sharpeners help you get the edge sharper in a matter of few seconds. You should buy a knife sharpener based on the certain factors which include
Good performance – While there area number of electric sharpeners in the market. The one with high-performance motor is what you want to produce a keen and smooth edge without scratches or nicks.
Look for a hard and abrasive surface – the time of material that the sharpener is fitted with would be a factor that you should consider when choosing the knife sharpener. Tungsten, carbide or polished ceramic are supposed to be great materials to be used in the Sharpener. As far as abrasiveness is concerned, the grit number is supposed to be the indicator of the same. The greater the number of the grit, the finer would be the knife edge that is polished.
Adjustable angle guide – The guiding angle is one that makes it easy for you to handle the sharpener. When the angle guide is adjustable, you can use it for sharpening multiple blade angles such as 15 or 20 degrees which is exactly the common blade angles you would find in kitchen knives.
Safety features – Since sharpening knives can be dangerous, especially when you are using an electrically powered sharpener, it is important for you to choose electric sharpeners with slots or rails that can be used to guide the knife into the disk or belt of the sharpener and prevent it from hurting your hand.
Warranty – Since electric sharpeners tend to be costlier than the manual sharpeners, it is better to buy a sharpener from the brand that offers a decent warranty period.
Space – The manual sharpener is small enough to be stored in the kitchen. But the electric sharpener is larger than the manual sharpener. Choose the knife sharpener that occupies lesser space.
Noise – When you buy an electric sharpener, you should check the noise it would make during the polishing process.
Electric Knife Sharpener Cleaning and caring instructions
Though you might use the knife sharpness for a few minutes, it is important to clean and keep the knife sharpener free of debris. The steps involved are as follows.
- Loosen the hand screws and remove the cover of the sharpener and the sharpening wheel.
- Shake the sharpener and turn it upside down and brush it to clean properly.
- You can do it once every day or at least after you have used the sharpener for five times.
- Sprinkle detergent powder on the brush and brush the sharpening wheel with it and scrub it and rinse it with clean water.
- Clean the exterior using a damp cloth. Detergents or abrasive materials should not be used to clean the exterior.
- Apart from this quick cleaning, you must clean the metal dust that would get accumulated. You can get rid of it by drawing the removable drawer and wiping it with the damp cloth or a paper towel. Once the cleaning is a done, you can replace the drawer.
- The next step is to clean the dressing tool. For this, you would have to switch on the power and press the lever in the recess and hold for 3 seconds. After that, press the lever in the other direction for the next 3 seconds. This process also reshapes the polish disk’s surface. The other disk is cleaned by repeating the process in the opposite direction.
- You should not apply grease to any of the moving parts,bearings, engine or honing surface.
- Once a year you need to evacuate the metal dust by opening the underside of the sharpener. You will find the metal particles glued to the magnet undercover.Rub off the metal particles using a brush and replace the cover using the magnet to set it up once again.
Always remember that you would have to clean the knife blade so that it is free from food and dirt when it is put in the sharpening machine for polishing the edge.
How To Use An Electric Knife Sharpener
Using an electric knife sharpener is an art, which can be new for many of the users. Let us have look at how you can use the sharpener in the easiest way:
- Firstly, take a proper look at the sharpener and familiarize yourself with the various parts and buttons of the sharpener. Switch on the sharpener and allow it to run for a while so that different parts of it get activated.
- Now, dry the blades once before putting them within the slots. As you put the blades within the slots of the sharpener, make sure to press the knife as much downwards and close to the grinder as possible. It will allow the grinder to sharpen the knife in a better way.
- A proper angle must be maintained as you slide the knife through the slot. The angle must not be more than 20 degrees; else it will lead to the knife being sharpened in an uncanny fashion. In some sharpeners, they set the degree of sharpening by themselves, which makes sharpening easier.
- No more than thrice do you have to move the blade through the rims of the sharpener. The efficient sharpeners need just two trials to bring back the sharpness of your knife, which is highly essential.
- In the last step, don’t forget to clean the knife properly. After the knives are being sharpened, they could be covered by the small metal particles which need to be cleared, else they can be toxic when used.
While using the sharpener for the last time, ensure that you don’t leave the cleaning of the sharpener till the end. As your sharpening is over, using a sponge or even a moist cloth along with high-temperature water can help you clean the sharpener easily.
As mentioned in the introduction, a knife sharpener is a very essential tool that you should possess if you are a person who uses knives, blades, or any other tool. If you are considering to purchase an electric knife sharpener, then, consider purchasing a product from the above-mentioned list and get yourself the best knife sharpener. If you’re interested in using your knife better, feel free to check out our article on knives too.